Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, 1972

Summary Roadside Picnic is set in the aftermath of an extra-terrestrial event called the Visitation that took place in several locations around the Earth over a two-day period. The Visitation zones exhibit strange and dangerous phenomena not understood by humans, and contain artefacts with inexplicable properties. The title of the novel derives from an analogy … More Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, 1972

The Genocides by Thomas M Disch, 1965

Summary The Genocides describes the genocide of humans by aliens who seed Earth with enormous Plants. The Plants are massive and rapidly out-compete terrestrial flora, forming a monoculture. They appear unwholesome to the native fauna, and the extinction of all Earthly life seems inevitable. Review Excerpt from ‘100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels’ by Stephen E. … More The Genocides by Thomas M Disch, 1965